Baylore Leasing
What can our leasing do for your company?
We help companies source funding in Canada. Clients benefit from our experience and expertise to gain custom financing options tailored to meet their requirements. Work with our team of professionals that understand the leasing industry. Clients seeking flexible financing solutions can rely on our leasing program.
Need help finding financing solutions?
The leasing program does more than simply collect credit information, fill in some forms, and sign up documents. We pride ourselves in knowing our clients, learning how new equipment will contribute to your business, and understanding past results to determine the future direction of your company.
We prepare and assemble credit information packages and proposals to lenders representative of your transaction size and complexity. By leveraging our extensive backgrounds in credit and risk management, we negotiate directly with the credit decision-makers at financial lenders to arrange you the best financing solution for your business.
Examples of other equipment types for financing opportunities:
Office (furniture, telephones, photocopiers)
Computer systems (servers, laptops, fixed computers)
Security systems (cameras, wireless equipment)
GPS – Global positioning systems
Retail equipment (POS systems, inventory controls)
Medical (general, dental, chiropractic, optometry)
Sports & Recreation (golf carts, fitness equipment)
Restaurants (refrigerators, ovens, preparation tables)
Agriculture (hoppers, seeders, livestock handlers)
Landscaping (mowers, grooming machines)
Warehouse (aerial lifts, “Skyjacks”, forklifts, racks)
Manufacturing (millers, cutters, welders)
Automotive (hoists, tire changers, balancers)